Student Ensemble Zornitsa in Egypt ! |
Student Ensemble Zornitsa in Egypt !
16 September 2010 - Ismailia - Egypt
Student Folklore Ensemble Zornitsa will present Bulgaria in the 16 th International Folk Festival in the city of Ismailia, Egypt, which will be held from 16 to 23 September 2010.
The festival is organized every two years under the auspices of the President of Egypt. More than 30 nationalities will attend in the festival.
| Novoselsko | | My sweetheart | | Ormanli | | Chetvorno | | Radomirsko horo | | Boina | | Buryano, Buryanke 2/4 | | Kiustendilsko horo | | Bresnishko horo | | Petrunino horo |