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Photos - 45 years Dance Ensemble "Kremikovtsi"
12 June 2019

Several generations of dancers won the wild applause of the audience performing the Hall of the Community Center "Svetlina 1906" in Kremikovtzi district on 8.06.2019.
We wish all dancers and their leaders to continue to enjoy the riches of the Bulgarian rhythms.
Аrtistic director of the ensemble Valentina Kitova
Thanks for the photos of: Joulieta Marinova

Kremikovtsi Dance Ensemble Kremikovtsi Dance Ensemble Kremikovtsi Dance Ensemble Kremikovtsi Dance Ensemble Kremikovtsi Dance Ensemble Kremikovtsi Dance Ensemble Kremikovtsi Dance Ensemble Kremikovtsi Dance Ensemble Kremikovtsi Dance Ensemble Kremikovtsi Dance Ensemble

Kremikovtsi Dance Ensemble

Kremikovtsi Dance Ensemble
12.06.2019, Boris Dimitrov

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