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Photos from Workshop for Balkan Folk Dances, Music and Singing
21 July 2009

Photos from Balkanfolk 2009 - Workshop for Balkan Folk Dances, Music and Singing. Emil Genov - Bulgarian folk dance teacher, Louloudi Aikaterini - Kakia - Greek folk dance teacher and Vladimir Mutavdžić - Serbian folk dance teacher.

Balkanfolk 2009 - Workshop for Balkan Folk Dances, Music ans Singing  Lillie McDonough with Bulgarian folk costume Participants from France with Vladimir Mutavdjic (Sernian folk dance teacher) Erin McManus with Bulgarian folk costume Balkanfolk Seminar 2009 Bulgarian singing in the seminar Balkanfolk2009 Ralph Iverson gadulka player from USA
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Uwe and in Plovdiv, Bulgaria Singing Music is everywhere Serbian dance class Live music and singing

Ralph Iverson gadulka player from USA

Ralph Iverson gadulka player from USA
25.07.2009, Boris Dimitrov

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