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Theme Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands
User boris
Date 31.10.2007 09:27 Reply
Text This is forum for Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands (folk groups, clubs, organizations, concerts, party, restaurants and ...)

01.11.2007 02:27
Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands [Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands]

Hi everybody,

I am leaving for Rotterdam, Holland these days and will stay there for a month, at least. As a fanatic fan of the Bulgarian folklore - dances and music in general, this will be the thing I will be missing most there. So, I am looking for a place where I could dance. This could be any type of place, organised group or few individuals, the idea is just to enjoy the Bulgarian dances.

I will be grateful for any ideas or information. Thank you in advance.
01.11.2007 04:58
Re: Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands [Re: Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands]

The first information I have about the Bulgarian dances is a workshop November 10-11 2007 near Brugge (Belgium) with Belčo en Julian Stanevi. At the same place Nikolaj Cvetkov will have a workshop on December 15-16 2007.
Further information at balkanbrugge@telenet.be
Balkan Brugge c/o Nieuwlandstraat 73, 8400 Oostende +32 59 250255

Ruud Maarschall, r.maarschall@quicknet.nl
01.11.2007 07:03
Re: Re: Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands [Re: Re: Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands]

I don't know any groups in the Netherlands which only dance Bulgarian. Most groups that I know of are recreational and do international dances, including (most of the time) more than a few Bulgarian dances.
A few groups I know:
Dospovo in Utrecht (http://www.dospovo.nl) (my own group)
Nipah in The Hague (http://www.nipah.nl/)
Radoeha in Rotterdam (http://home.versatel.nl/volksdansen/)
Machar in Dordrecht (http://www.machar.nl/)
Contact information can be found under "contact" at most pages.
Some Bulgarian dance workshops:
17-11; Jaap Leegwater in Amsterdam; email to info@zajednica.nl
31-10, 07, 14, 21 and 28-11; Bianca de Jong in The Hague; email to marjavanboeschoten@casema.nl
24-11; Coen van den Akker in Eindhoven; call Marga Ansems 040-2527270
Good luck with finding a place to dance!
Menno Nijhuis, menno.nijhuis(@)gmail.com
01.11.2007 10:15
Re: Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands [Re: Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands]

Hi Albenak,

I'm not very familiar with folklore groups in that part of the Netherlands, but I saw on a Dutch forum about folklore dancing that a group called Nitsanim has organised a course of Bulgarian dances, taught by Bianca de Jong, one of the best Dutch teachers of Bulgarian dances. It started on the 31st of October and will last for 5 weeks (5 Wednesday nights from 20-22) in Den Haag, which is fairly close to Rotterdam. Maybe you can email them to ask if you can still join, although you've mist the first lesson. You can contact them by emailing to marjavanboeschoten@casema.nl or call at +31 70 364 91 52

Good luck!

(I got all this information from this page: http://www.prikpagina.nl/read.php?f=1007&i=766&t=766 in case you've already learnt some Dutch)
02.11.2007 02:38
Re: Re: Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands [Re: Re: Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands]

Thank you very much, to all of you!
Equipped with this information I think I will survive :-) Unfortunatelly my Dutch does not exist yet, but hope that there will be enough info in English. I am more interested in practicing, than in learning, but anything related to Bulgarian dances is welcomed.
Thank you once again! I will keep you informed about the development of the story :-)

06.11.2007 05:08
Re: Re: Re: Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands [Re: Re: Re: Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands]

Hi Albenak,

I got a message from Boris that you wanted to know Bulgarian dance, but I see there are plenty of people helping you already. And i don't know many danceclubs. There is Dobro Doshli in Zutphen, but it's not very close to you.
Are you also interested in singing Bulgarian? I am a singer in the Bulgarian vocal group "Pauni Trio", and do workshops from time to time.

good luck!

07.11.2007 08:34
Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands [Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands]

Hi, Iritchka,
Thank you for the proposal. I am not exactly a singer, well, I know about 20 or more Bulgarian songs and in the breaks between the dances we usually sing. I don't know, if my singing will not destroy the harmony of your singing we could try. It would be interesting experience for me. I am still getting used to the reality around and haven't moved a lot but I think that soon I will be more confident and oriented in the environment. My email is albena1113@yahoo.com and I also have a local mobile phone 0622318663. So let's keep in touch. Thank you once again.
02.04.2008 03:32
Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands [Re: Bulgarian folklore dances in the Netherlands]

Hello dear friends!
We'd like to offer you our International children’s and youth musical art festival!

More information you can find here http://www.balkanfolk.com/calendar-event.php?id=935

Don’t be hesitating to ask questions!
e-mail: pitagross@email.cz

We are looking forward to meeting you!
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