Festivals |
6 Aug 2010
- 8 Aug 2010
Koprivshtitsa, Bulgaria
10th National Festival of Bulgarian Folklore Koprivshtitsa 2010
The 10th National Festival of Bulgarian Folklore has been organised by the Bulgarian Ministry of the Culture and Tourism and by the Municipality of Koprivshtitsa. The event is supported by: Sofia District Administration; Bulgarian National Television; Bulgarian National Radio, ministries, other organisations.
All the performers of authentic Bulgarian folklore: singers, players, dancers, folk tales narrators and all instrumental, singing and dancing groups like groups for traditional customs are invited to take part in the meeting.
This National Folklore Festival has been organised for about 10 000 people whom we expect to come from all over the country and abroad, as well as Bulgarians living in foreign countries and foreigners performing Bulgarian folklore.
Balkanfolk Calendar
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