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8 апр 2015 - 12 апр 2015
Belgrade, Serbia

Изпрати имейл  Уеб сайт

♫ III.International Folklore Music and Dance Festival BELGRADE AWARD 2015. is being held under the patronage of the Belgrade city. It is gathering folk dance groups and music bands from all over the world, who like to meet new people and spend unforgettable holiday week in Belgrade, singing and dancing together.
♫ Festival organizer is CULTURAL & FOLK ART ASSOCIATION ’’Sveti Sava’’ from Belgrade, Serbia in association to MyFolkFest Team.
♫ Previous editions of the festival available on our web sites:
Web. www.myfolkfest.weebly.com
FB. https://www.facebook.com/BelgradeAward
♫ Festival is competitive and is open for all groups, no age limit. Propositions of the festival competition will be sent to groups later. Competition part of the festival is not obligatory, only for groups that apply for. All other groups take part in the review night.
♫ There will be 3 awards for the BELGRADE AWARD winners and special awards in 5 categories: best performance, best music, best choreography, best costumes, best impression. Also different awards for best choirs-singing groups and best orchestras, as well as solo dancers and singers.
♫ Winners will be awarded by special cups as well as sponsors gifts.
♫ Groups will have one or two performances at the festival. Each group has to prepare 10-12min. of quality program. Performances are indoor and on the open air stages, wooden and concrete (in case of bad weather all program is indoor).
♫ It is not necessary to have live music. It is also allowed to perform using CD, but it has to be of a good quality recording.
♫ Accommodation of participating groups is organized in student hostel on a half board basis (breakfast and dinner), as well as in 2 or 3 star hotels near the center (on group request).
♫ Each group will get diploma for the participation to the festival, as well as DVD from the festival after the festival is finished.
♫ Every group will get official brochure of the festival with the presentation of the participating groups, in English.
♫ The group has to bring its national flag and board with the group name for the parade.
♫ Every group must have one English speaking person. Organizer will give an English speaking guide for every group who will be responsible for contact 24h a day.
♫ Number of participating groups is LIMITTED to 15 and organizer will accept groups that apply first (in order of applying).
♫ The groups have to organize their travel to and from Belgrade.
ARRIVAL to Belgrade 8.april 2015. check in time from 15h. First meal dinner.
DEPARTURE from Belgrade 12.may 2015. late check out-until 19h . Last meal breakfast.
♫ For the groups that are coming with their own bus there is a free parking place in the hotels area or nearby.
♫ Specially, for the groups that come by plane (airport Nikola Tesla), we can organize bus transfers. Return bus ticket price (airport-hotel-airport) depends on the number of people, approx. 15eur per person.
♫ For the groups that are coming by plane, the organizers provide transfers for the performances free of charge.
♫ If group needs visa, it is responsibility of the group to arrange it! Organizers can only give invitation letter to groups and can not interfere to visa issuing process and make extra contacts to embassies except the regular visa procedure.
♫ The groups are recommended to have insurance policy for all their members.
♫ Each group has 1 free place for 25 persons who pay.

Dragana Mirkovic
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