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Новини Музика Магазин Снимки Календар Форум Текстове на песни Семинар

По целия свят

20 мар 2014 - 23 мар 2014
Monte Carlo - Nıce

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Nice is a port city, located near the Italian border, between Cannes and Monaco. It has about 350,000 inhabitants. The natural beauty of the Nice area and its mild Mediterranean climate came to the attention of the English upper classes in the second half of the 18th century, when an increasing number of aristocratic families took to spending their winter there.

Monte Carlo is situated on a prominent escarpment at the base of the Maritime Alps along the French Riviera. Founded in 1866, Monte Carlo has a name of Italian origin meaning “Mount Charles”, in honor of the then-reigning princeCharles III of Monaco. Monte Carlo is one of Europe’s leading tourist resorts although many of the key tourist destinations are located in other parts of Monaco, including such attractions as Monaco Cathedral, the Napoleon Museum, the Oceanographic Museum,and aquarium, and the Prines Place, all of which are located in Monaco-Ville.


1 Day

14:00 Arrival to selected accommodation unit

19:00 Dinner

22:30 Optional night out in Nica

2 Day

07:30 Breakfast

10:00 Press Conference

12:00 Optional Sightseeing Tour of Nica

17:00 Dinner

19:30 Opening the festival. Presentations of the groups

22:30 Optional going in the club / price per person 6 € /

3 Day

07:30 Breakfast

11:00 Optional Sightseeing Tour of Monte Carlo

17:00 Dinner

19:30 Presentations of the groups. End of festival.

22:30 Party dinner with live music /price per person 22 € /

4 Day

07:30 Breakfast

12:00 Departure groups. End of service.


Hotel 3*** 125 €

Hotel 2 ** or hostel 85 €

Price include:

Accomodation in hotel in base HB / breakfast and dinner /

Participation of the festival

Souvenirs, diploms, photo, DVD

Two bus drivers /when group come with bus/, and leader of the group free of charge

Free bus transfer airport-hotel-airport when group come with airplane

Price does not include:

Optional excursions

Insurance for passengers

Other individual costs of passengers

General conditions of the Festival:

There is no age limit or the number of participants and accompanying
It is necessary to prepare two different program lasting max 12 minutes
Need to bring their country’s flag and a performance at the decision of the organizers in conspicuous place. It is also necessary to visibly display panel (provided by organizers) which is inscribed with the name of your group and the country where you come from.
You can perform with orchestra (recommended) or CD track.
Everybody Loves Company Events Ltd Company reserves the right to change some of the general requirements for new Festival of the changes, and about all of the above will notify you within 24 hours.

If you decide to participate in the said event, you need to fill out an application for the festival and send it back. We will send you an official letter of invitation to participate in the festival.

Applıcatıon Form

Arif Sönmez

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