Workshops |
21 Jul 2008
- 31 Jan 2008
GREECE Western Macedonia : Prespa Lake region
Seminar BALKAN MUSICS and DANCES in Greece (Macedonia)
In a region rich both in history and traditions .. in the village of LEMOS near Prespa Lake (natural border between Albania, Fyrom/ex-Yu.Republic of Mac., and Greece). Program :
- Dances lessons with teachers from Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia ...
- Workshops with Instruments : Accordeon, Klarino, Drums, Violin (Albania)
Information : Yannis KONSTANTINOU - tel. 0030 6 944 946 227
Maryse FABRE - tel. 0033 1 46 27 92 04 or 0033 6 81 20 73 79
Maryse FABRE
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