| 073492 Book for the Bulgarian Tamboura
By Krassi Jeliazkov.Published 2005. 136 pages, Size 24.5x18.5 cm. Book for the Bulgarian tamboura takes you to the roots of the Bulgarian people"s musical tradition, and follows the journey of an extraordinary instrument to different parts of the world under a variety of names. In Bulgarians" family and civic life it has also been known under different names, but the melodious word hulgaria suits it best.
In this book you will find everything there is to know about the construction of the Bulgarian tamboura, its varieties, and its interpretation and application specifics, with many examples and illustrations in the CD.
You will be able to learn the ornaments that are typical of Bulgarian folk music. You will master the specific tamboura technique, favourable for instrumentalists with a taste for improvisation.
| 073490 Koprivshtitsa History and Architecture
Koprivshtitsa History and Architecture is an illustrated guide to Koprivshtitsa with an emphasis on the main historical houses. Author: Viara Kandjeva and Antoniy Handjiyski
Цена: €15.00 |
| 073480 Bulgarian conversation. Научи сам български + 3 audio CDs
Bulgarian conversation is the ideal all-audio course for absolute beginners. Its specially designed step-by-step approach assumes no prior knowledge of the language, and encourages you to make genuine progress right from the start. The 20 dialogues on CDs 1 and 2 will teach you the Bulgarian you will need to speak
Цена: €19.00 |
| 073470 Learn Bulgarian the Easy Way + 4 audio CDs
The course assumes no previous training in Bulgarian. It will give you a good level in understanding the language and will enable you to communicate with confidence
Цена: €29.00 |
| 073450 Rila Monastery
Rilа Mоnаstеry is thе stаtеliеst histоriсаl mоnumеnt оf thе Вulgаriаn's sрirit.
It's intriсаtе аnd еxрrеssivе аrсhitесturаl еnsеmblе hаs bееn а trеаsurе-hоusе оf рriсеlеss аеsthеtiсаl rеliсs аnd аt thе sаmе timе а living сеntеr оf thе nаsсеnсy аnd еvоlutiоn оf thе mоst рrоgrеssivе сulturаl-аnd-histоriсаl рrосеssеs thrоugh thе сеnturiеs. Viеwеd аgаinst the bасkgrоund оf thе riсh аrсhitесturаl struсturе аnd оf Вulgаriа's сhurсh соnstruсtiоn, it is nоt а sоlitаry summit, but bеyоnd аll quеstiоns thе highеst оnе аmоng thе реаks оf thе соuntry's nаtiоnаl аrсhitесturе.
Цена: €99.00 |
| 073420 Bulgarian Icons
Предлагаме на ценителите на този вид изкуство една колекция от икони на Националния исторически музей в София. Изданието е на английски език.
Цена: €19.00 |