Фестивали |
14 апр 2009
- 18 апр 2009
Палма де Майорка, Испания
Световен фолклорен танцов фестивал - Палма де Майорка
Фолклорен фестивал с повече от 20 годишна история!
Since the first edition in the City of Palma in 1987, more than 600 groups with more than 25.000 dancers, musicians and singers have displayed their culture and traditions to the local and international public with over 3000 performances in different stages in Palma and the villages of Mallorca.
As of today more than 75 countries have participated in the Festival, offering a wonderful show of music, colour and dancing from the five continents.
The World Folkdance Festival is organized to bring together different and sometimes remote cultures, through music and dance. It is an emotional event with a great deal of colour and enthusiasm that offers a fantastic display of cultures world wide.
From the delicate movements of the Oriental Bharata Natya and the Bugaku, to Zulu war dancers which have contributed much to contemporary dance in the West; and from the spirited Gopak, of Central Europe to the gently swaying follow-my-leader Farandole, the differences between the cultures have combined to provide a kaleidoscope of wonder.
Whether in simple performances or as part of the International Competition, the skill and practice of the dancers and musicians conspire to bring history alive, to recall the traditions passed down through the ages.
jordi darder
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