Share | 161500 - Братимене - Теодосий Спасов Изпълнител: Теодосий Спасов - кавал Издател: Гега Ню Година: 1998
The CD Bratimene includes 13 melodies performed by the great Bulgarian kaval player Theodosii Spassov. This is a compilation of Theodosii's best work from 1983 to 1998. Best described as Bulgarian ethnic jazz, this features Theodosii accompanied by some of the finest jazz musicians in Bulgaria. At the project realization they took part the musicians: Theodosii Spassov – kaval, Yildaz Ibrahimova – vocals, Stoyan Yankulov – percussion, Milcho Leviev – piano, Vesselin Nikolov – sax, Simeon Shterev, Peter Petrov, Stefka Onikian. |